This article is subject to change as we continue to enhance this product and must be read before requesting an integration with ADP RUN
Newly added: Our new Payroll Integration video for HR! This video should help convey the value of this integration for curious clients looking to learn more about how EN and Payroll interact: Employee Navigator's new Payroll Integration video for HR!
So you're looking to learn more about Employee Navigator's payroll integration with ADP RUN? Well, you've come to the right spot! Let's take a holistic look at the integrations in the following areas:
Welcome video
- This is the video that a broker & HR would ultimately be sent once they started the integration with our EN Payroll team - but there's no sense in hiding it from you until then! Take an insider's glance at what this integration will look like for you.
- What is the lifecycle of a payroll integration?
What's in it for me?
- We've tracked data over the last 5 years to show where this integration is providing value you can feel
- How do I get started to request & purchase this integration?
- What do you generally need to be aware of with our ADP RUN integration?
- What does this integration exchange?
- What do these integrations not exchange?
- How does HR cancel their subscription?
Welcome video
Welcome video
What is the lifecycle of a payroll integration?
Talk with HR
- Have a conversation with HR to be sure this integration with ADP RUN is the right fit. Our integration one-pagers are commonly helpful, and Employee Navigator is happy to join a call between you and your customer to discuss the integration together.
Request the integration
- Follow the steps on our How do I get started section to kick off your request to ADP RUN and allow HR to purchase this integration within their ADP Marketplace.
- Complete some minor setup in EN for payroll groups, calendars, and deduction codes. Don't worry! Our EN Payroll team is here to help.
- Complete both one-time reconciliations of your employee data: The Demographic Audit and the Deduction Audit. Don't worry! Our EN Payroll team is here to help.
- Go Live! Experience the benefits from our section, What's in it for me?
What's in it for me?
This payroll integration has three major values for both an agency and HR:
We're on pace to save agencies and customers using the payroll integration a total of 1,800,000 hours of work in 2024
You get accurate census data for quoting & no more dual entry into two systems
We've caught over $10,000,000 and counting in missing or incorrect deductions
No more remembering to key in deductions manually for new hires, Open Enrollment, or mid-year changes.
Allowing HR and agency employees to step away from data entry tasks and grow to let their truly valuable skills shine - the ones that cannot be automated like employee relations management, recruiting, and person-to-person support at the agency or company level.
How do I get started to request and allow HR to purchase this integration?
ADP is a little different, in a good way! An integration can be requested, purchased & started within minutes. In order to request an integration with ADP RUN and begin, you will do the following:
Watch our video on how to properly request + purchase the ADP Integration
1. Go to the Payroll tab within your company in Employee Navigator.
2. Click on 'Add Integration +'
3. Click on 'Add Integration +', and select ADP RUN --> Save and continue
Add the contacts you would like to be involved in the integration setup process --> Save and continue.
4. Once you have completed your subscription request in Employee Navigator, go to Payroll --> Manage Subscription
5. Find your 'EN Identifier'
6. You need to copy this EN Identifier. This unique key will be used by the client when purchasing the integration in ADP’s Marketplace. To finish the subscription request, the HR User must follow the steps below:
Go to this link for ADP RUN: Employee Navigator Connector for RUN Powered by ADP®
Select: Buy Now
- Select the Recurring Edition and enter the number of your medically eligible employees (if you do not know how many employees you have that are eligible for medical benefits, navigate to your Benefits tab in Employee Navigator → Medical → Eligible).
- There is a $1.25 PEPM (per employee per month) fee for each of your medically eligible employees. Click continue.
Click 'Edit'
Copy and paste the EN Identifier into the EN Subscription Form and click continue.
- Be sure that there are no leading or trailing spaces within the subscription id.
- Select your billing details and click continue.
- Confirm your order. You should see a subscription success message as your order is confirmed.
- You will receive a Consent Manager email from ADP. You must select ‘Allow’ for the service.
7. An analyst from our team will reach out within 3 business days to provide our Welcome Video and your link to schedule your review call where your analyst will outline your responsibilities within the integration setup process.
What do I generally need to be aware of with the ADP RUN integration?
ADP RUN does not send EN changes in real-time
- Changes made in ADP RUN will be pulled into EN each night for you, and changes made in EN will send to ADP in real-time.
ADP RUN does not have the concept of deduction effective dates
- Employee Navigator "pend" deductions with future start dates from being sent to Payroll until their start date and will "pend" deductions with future end dates from being sent to Payroll until their end date.
- To view your Pending transmissions, you can go to the Payroll tab --> Reports -> Deductions Pending Transmission report
ADP RUN does not have pay effective dates
- For new hires, we will use the hire date as the pay effective date
For existing employees
- In the Demographic audit, we will use the day the audit report was pulled in as the Pay Effective Date
- Once Live, we will use the day we are sent the compensation change as the Pay Effective Date.
ADP does not send Employee Navigator changes that are manually imported into payroll.
- If you are importing new hires, terms, etc. into ADP vs. manually adding them one by one, ADP does not currently send these to us. Please contact if you have additional questions on this.
ADP does not send changes to the hire date or termination date after the initial value is added
- You can use our Partner Audit tool to pull in changes from ADP instantly
If HR pays in arrears and needs deductions inserted sooner than the coverage effective date of the corresponding enrollment in EN:
- They will manage this just like our other integrations by manually adding the deductions into the pay period they want them to appear in.
- Once the coverage effective date "hits" in EN, we would send the same exact deduction to ADP, and essentially no change would occur as the proper, recurring deduction would already be in payroll.
What does this integration exchange?
Bi-directional Demographics
With ADP we are able to exchange bi-directional demographics in real time on a change-only basis from EN to ADP. Changes made in ADP RUN will be pulled into EN each night for you. This means that address, phone number, and other demographic updates can be made in either system.
- Updates made in EN will transmit in real-time to ADP within 45-60 seconds to the alternate system.
- Updates made in ADP will transmit overnight to EN.
- Employee Navigator will not create employee records with blank or missing SSNs, nor SSNs with all zeros in any digit group (000-##-####, ###-00-####, ###-##-0000, 000-00-0000).
- Employee Navigator will not create employee records for 1099 or contractors.
Base Compensation: 1-Way (Payroll to EN only)
Compensation is “owned” by payroll. This means that compensation will always come from Payroll to Employee Navigator and is required within our integrations.
An employee's record must include:
Compensation basis: must be Hourly or Salary
- Cannot be 'Daily' in the ADP RUN system. If so, we are unable to accept the employee's record via the integration.
- Compensation effective date
- Salary value and/or Hourly Rate
*Employee Navigator will auto-calculate a Base Salary on the fly for Hourly employees who are sent to us with a $0 annual salary or a blank value.
Payroll Deductions: 1-Way (EN to Payroll only)
Payroll deductions are “owned” by Employee Navigator. This means that payroll deductions will always be sent from Employee Navigator to Payroll in real time.
We will send the following:
- Deduction code mapped into the employee's Payroll Group for the plan they are enrolled in.
Employee's per-pay cost
- We do not send catch-up contributions to payroll for missed pay periods. Any adjustments need to be manually added to Payroll. Retroactive deductions can be found by running the Retroactive Deduction report under Payroll > Reports > Retroactive Deductions.
We only send employee recurring deductions to payroll one time when an enrollment occurs to insert them initially. We will not send another deduction transmission to payroll for the same benefit unless the employee's cost changes due to the following:
- The employee going through an Open Enrollment
- Plan rates are recalculated due to a Class or Payroll Group change
- Employee experiences a qualifying Life Event
- Employee is terminated and their coverage is dropped
- Enrollment editor is used to adjust a plan cost
- Deduction code(s) are updated for a Live group
What does this integration not exchange?
Demographic fields not currently exchanged:
- Class structures: Class, Department, Division, Office Location, Business Units
Termination Reason
All terminated employees will be given the Termination reason: Voluntary Termination.
- This automatically triggers a COBRA event and communicates with providers if they have a COBRA integration.
To change this if need be, please use the Termination Editor.
- This tool is located on an employee's Employee Management tab > Actions section (right side of the page) > Terminate Editor.
All terminated employees will be given the Termination reason: Voluntary Termination.
Employee Navigator will flag all new hires on your Homepage --> 'Complete Employees Missing HR Required Fields' status --> 'Complete Hire' link.
Deduction types not currently exchanged
The following are current product limitations and must be managed manually in the payroll system.
Earnings or Employer Contributions (ER amounts)
- Employer deduction codes entered into the 'ER Code' column of a payroll group will not transmit through our API but can be used for reporting purposes on our Payroll Deductions Report
Deductions for employees with a Domestic Partner
- Employee Navigator cannot currently send a portion of an employee's deduction pre-tax and another, separate portion as post-tax. Exchanging deduction data for those with Domestic Partners will result in incorrect deductions in payroll.
- Action to take: Employees in this scenario must have their deductions blocked from their Profile --> Apps --> Manage link --> Block Deductions.
Commuter Benefits - (Parking & Transit)
- Employee Navigator cannot currently send a portion of an employee's deduction pre-tax and another, separate portion as post-tax.
- Action to take: None. Our system auto-sets these plan types to 'Never Send'
- 401K
- Universal plans
Items to confirm before requesting an integration with ADP RUN
Does your group have an Active open enrollment currently in session?
- If a company in our system has an Active Open Enrollment, we will grey out the ability to add an integration. You must wait until after the OE has been closed and deductions have been manually updated in payroll before you can request the integration process.
How many OrgIDs, also known as 'instances of ADP', does your client have in payroll?
ADP connects with companies in EN based on what they call OrgIDs. These OrgIDs may contain all companies a client has in ADP and would align with a similar company in EN that houses all of these employees and their shared benefit offerings.
- Most common: If they have just one, you can make your initial Partner Selection request for All Employees as you normally would, as there will be only one OrgID on the ADP side to purchase a connection for.
- Less common If they have two or more OrgIDs, you will need to create Subscriber Groups in Employee Navigator first, and then you can make the initial Partner Selection request for each subscriber group you've created. This will allow your client to purchase the ADP integration for each OrgID to properly connect each one.
ADP connects with companies in EN based on what they call OrgIDs. These OrgIDs may contain all companies a client has in ADP and would align with a similar company in EN that houses all of these employees and their shared benefit offerings.
How does HR cancel its subscription?
In order to cancel a payroll integration within ADP, please follow the instructions below. This will allow ADP to automatically inactivate the integration:
- Go to, login, and navigate to “My apps” (this should be located in the top right corner when the client clicks into their username.
- Once “My apps” has been selected, hover over the Employee Navigator app and see an icon that allows you to Manage App.
- Cancel your Subscription.
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