The purpose of this article is to outline how to manage the following scenarios:
- An employee is being terminated in payroll but needs to remain active in EN to keep their coverage intact.
Final payout of deductions
- An employee needs to remain active in payroll for their final check, but you need the termination in EN sooner.
An employee is being terminated, but, they:
- Need to stay Active in Payroll for a period of time to be paid out on their severance & need to be Terminated immediately in Employee Navigator to trigger COBRA.
An employee is being terminated, but, they:
Leave of Absence
An employee is on a Leave of Absence and they:
- Need to be terminated in Payroll & need to stay Active in the EN system to keep their benefits intact.
An employee is on a Leave of Absence and they:
Employee is moving from 1099 to W2
- Employee is getting a brand new Payroll record created as they are being created as a W2 record
How to handle these scenarios
If an employee is being terminated in payroll but needs to remain active in EN to keep their coverage in place:
- Go to the employee's Profile --> Apps link (bottom left hand-side of the page)
- Click 'Manage' link --> Block Demographics --> Save
- Terminate the employee in Payroll
Final payout of deductions
If an employee needs to be terminated in Employee Navigator, but left active in payroll for their final check to be processed:
- Go to the employee's Profile --> Apps link (bottom left hand-side of the page)
- Click 'Manage' link --> Block Demographics --> Save
- Terminate the employee in Employee Navigator
Terminate the employee in Employee Navigator
- Ensure the employee is not "touched" in payroll in the meantime, which would cause payroll to send us a still Active record and rehire them.
- When ready, terminate the employee in Payroll with a matching date.
If deductions in payroll need to end based on the termination rules of the enrolled plans in Employee Navigator:
- Terminate the employee in Employee Navigator with the proper termination date the group plans to eventually add to Payroll.
- Go to the employee's Profile --> Apps link (bottom left hand-side of the page)
- Click 'Manage' link --> Block Demographics --> Save
This will prevent the employee from being inadvertently rehired if payroll sends Employee Navigator a change while the employee is still Active in Payroll prior to the severance period ending. We will 'block', or, ignore, any incoming demographic data for the employee after this.
If you are with a provider that accepts terminations from Employee Navigator, or, if deductions in payroll need to stay during the severance period:
- Go to the employee's Profile --> Apps link (bottom left hand-side of the page)
- Click 'Manage' link --> Block Demographics and Block Deductions --> Save
- Terminate the employee in Employee Navigator with the proper termination date the group plans to eventually add to Payroll.
This will leave the deductions in Payroll, and also prevent the employee from being inadvertently rehired if payroll sends Employee Navigator a change while the employee is still Active in Payroll prior to the severance period ending. We will 'block', or, ignore, any incoming demographic data for the employee after this.
Leave of Absence/Furlough
If you need to place an employee on leave by terminating them in payroll for furlough purposes, but keep them Active in the EN system:
- Go to the employee's Profile --> Apps link (bottom left hand-side of the page)
- Click 'Manage' link --> Block Demographics
- Terminate the employee in Payroll with the proper termination date
This will leave the employee Active in the EN system, and also prevent the employee from being inadvertently terminated if payroll sends Employee Navigator a change while the employee is still termed in Payroll. We will 'block', or, ignore, any incoming demographic data for the employee after this.
Once the employee returns from the LOA, the deductions, including any catch-up values, must be manually added back to payroll.
Employee is moving from 1099 to W2
If you need to create a brand new payroll record and ensure that the employee is not inadvertently terminated when moving from 1099 to W2:
1. Go into EN --> Employee's Profile --> Apps link (bottom left of page)
2. Click Manage --> block Demographics
3. Make the Term in payroll to this record, and create the new one that will send to EN
4. Go into EN --> Employee's Profile --> Employment link
5. Check off the Payroll Integrations box for the new ID and save
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