As insurance experts, we understand that payroll is not the easiest topic to discuss with your clients. To make it easier, we hosted an employer-facing webinar for you to invite your clients and/or prospects to join and listen to our team explain the value prop and the details of the payroll integration. If this sounds like something you might want our help with, please feel free to follow the steps below to generate a quick email campaign to your customers:
- STEP 1- Gather list of clients you want to attend
- Audience considerations:
- Reach out to list of clients that have an integrated payroll partner
- TIP! If you login to your Employee Navigator broker portal > Integrations > Available Payrolls > Learn more, this will take you to a list of all the employers who use an integrated partner but are not yet connected
- Reach out to everyone using Employee Navigator
- Reach out to all clients
- Reach out to prospects
- Reach out to list of clients that have an integrated payroll partner
- Audience considerations:
- STEP 2- Create email template
- Use, reference, modify EMAIL TEMPLATES attached to communicate to your clients and/or prospects
- Make sure you use THIS LINK to allow them to watch the recording
- Other items you can include in the email
- STEP 3- Send email
- Recommend sending email on a Tuesday or Wednesday morning
- TIP! If you have a big list and don't have a email marketing system, we recommend using Mail Merge
- STEP 4- Send follow up email to everyone you invited
- Recommend sending 1 week after date you sent email
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